Seize The Day,Follow Your Dreams

I’ve always wanted to do something in my life that involved music but never really had the means of doing it because of certain forces working against me. I’ve always loved singing, writing songs and just listening to music. It has always been a dream of mine to just learn more about the craft, so recently I decided that I want to learn how to play the piano. When I was younger, I use to actually take lessons but at the time I was young and just had so much on my mind that I never really took it seriously and I regret it. I’m a 22yrs old and I am just learning how to play the piano. I am at a place in my life where I want to get the most out of life. I want to experience all the good and creative things life has to offer. I made a promise to myself that this year instead of wasting my money on stupid things I would invest in me. I would invest it new learning opportunities. I also made a promise to myself that this year I would do something different and do something I like. Life goes by so fast and you never know what opportunities you are missing because either you’re asleep or you’re just living your life day to day doing the same things. I am a firm believer in stepping outside the line and going after the things that frighten you. You are never to old to try to accomplish all your dreams and aspirations in life. God gave us a long and prosperous life. It is up to us to go out and do the things in life we love the most. I think of myself as learner. I see myself as someone who is always striving to do more things to elevate me and the people around me. I admit sometimes I could be lazy and just simply not in the mood but after a while that gets boring and old. I am excited to start learning how to the piano and I can’t wait to see where this leads me to. I think the piano is such a beautiful instrument and I can’t wait to start sharing on my blog the the pieces of music I will be learning. I can’t wait. My advice to anyone who is struggling with making decisions on if they should pursue a lifelong dream of theirs, is that you should do it. If you have the support and the extra money on hand, instead of spending it on stupid things go out and invest in you and your future. We weren’t placed on this earth to just live our life following our boring daily routines. Mix it up a bit and just find your thing, find that thing that completes you and makes you happy. No dream is ever stupid, so just listen to what’s in your heart and live your life. Life is fun don’t waste it.


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How To Love Yourself

I was recently browsing Tumblr and found this marvelous little motivational piece of writing that I believe everyone should carry on their hearts and remember to do. If you follow my blog you know the one thing that is on my to do list is self love. It’s something that I am learning to do everyday and I try to inspire people to do on a regular basis. This little write up I found on Tumblr truly hits home and I just needed to share this little motivational guide on how to love yourself. XoXo♥


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Hello motivation where are you?!?!

So week two of classes have started and as most of you know I recently changed my major to Nutrition/Dietetic Technology. School has been such a big snooze fest for me. I should be a junior in college but because of not being able to afford tuition at The University of Hartford I had to settle for my local community college because I just couldn’t bother my parents about paying my tuition bill when my sister was already going to school and they helped her out with tuition at times. I started all these new classes this semester that should be really fun and interesting but instead they are just so boring. The teachers come to class and you can see in the way they present themselves that the motivation to teach isn’t there. Money is there only motivation. The only teacher who actually shows some type of love for her job is my Conflict and Peace studies professor. Her job sounds fun but the point I am trying to make is that teachers/professors are suppose to make a lecture interesting and engaging but  at this school you are lucky if you get a professor who really knows how to connect with his/her class. I just wish there was a little bit more effort put into teaching students who attend community colleges. I feel as if everyday I go to school my motivation level is being drained and before I know it I will probably drop out and become another statistic. It’s so hard to stay committed to one thing when the motivation isn’t there. I miss going to a 4-yr university so bad. When I went it was much more easier to just stay motivated and just plugged in because I was in an environment that was just stable when it came to studying, going to class, motivated teachers, etc. I would give anything to be able to leave that new community college building and just go back to a 4-yr college, get an education and pursue my dreams. Life was so much more easier back in the day.